
Armaghan Salamat Kish

Armaghan Salamat Kish is the official representative of Infomed SA from Switzerland, MEDITES PHARMA, spol.s r.o. from the Czech Republic, Primed Halberstadt Medizintechnik GmbH from Germany, and Cytosorbents Inc. from the United States of America. This company operates in the field of medical equipment, urology and nephrology, respiratory and anesthesia as well as digestion. Some of the imported products of this company are CRRT unit, blood purifier, CRRT connecting tube kit, CRRT dialysis solution, tracheostomy tube without cuff. The risk class of these products is b and d.

Armaghan Salamat Kish Company cooperates with the world’s leading brands in the field of medical equipment. Some of these companies are:

Infomed Blood Purification Devices


